
Jewellery Care Tips

Jewellery Care Tips


  • Get back shine to your gold & silver jewellery by pouring a bit of beer on a soft cloth & rub on it.
  • Clean your silver jewellery with toothpaste that contains fluoride for instant shine. Just scrub with a small toothbrush.
  • Avoid wearing jewellery before going into a pool with chlorinated water.
  • Ensure that lotions or perfumes that are applied on your skin have dried before wearing your jewellery.
  • To Care your Rhodium Finish jewellery you may clean it with a mild detergent, mixed with a little warm water.
  • Store your jewellery box well. It saves it from getting scratched.
  • Extreme temperature affects the lustre of your jewellery
  • Apart from your face, you must look at your body structure while selecting Bridal Jewellery. Slim people are suggested to select heavy look jewellery. Where as fat people are recommended to wear light weighted jewellery.
  • Avoid using velvet boxes, keep your jewellery in airtight box or in plastic bag & never leave it out on dresser or night stand.
  • When Dressing, Jewellery should always be put on last as cosmetics and perfumes can cause damaged to delicate items.
  • Soft jewellery pieces such as pearls can easily scratch. Use a new clean makeup brush and warm soapy water to softly clean them.
  • After use, wipe the jewelry with a soft cotton cloth.
  • To prevent jewellery tarnishing, use some anti-tarnish tissue paper to wrap your fashion jewellery in, which will give your jewellery the best protection against blemishing. Also, for a nice polished finish, use a soft cloth or an eyeglasses cleaning cloth, either way- both work wonders.

  • We hope these tips guide you on how to care for your jewellery; in order to give your jewellery collection the longevity that it deserves.Have more tips to share on how to care for jewellery? Please share them with us.